Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar on Saturday wished his fans a “Happy Deepawali” by sharing the first look of his new movie ‘Ram Setu.’
Sharing the poster of the movie, Kumar wrote, “This Deepawali, let us endeavor to keep alive the ideals of Ram in the consciousness of all Bharatiyas by building a bridge (setu) that will connect generations to come.”
“Taking this mammoth task ahead,here is our humble attempt – #RamSetu
Wishing you & yours a very Happy Deepawali!” Kumar wrote on Twitter.
The poster of the movie says, “Myth or Reality?” with a picture of Kumar and Lord Rama in the background.
Kumar also shared a Hindi poster of the movie that depicts a clearer picture of Ram in the background.
The movie is directed by Abhishek Sharma and produced by Arun Bhatia and Vikram Malhotra.