Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray has said that allegations levelled against Home Minister Anil Deshmukh will be probed by a retired high court judge, ANI reported quoting Deshmukh as saying. Mumbai’s former police commissioner Param Bir Singh has levelled corruption allegations against the minister.
This comes two days after Singh moved the Bombay High Court, after Supreme Court rejected his plea, seeking a CBI probe against Deshmukh, whom he has accused of corruption.
Last week, Singh, in an eight-page letter to Thackeray, alleged that Deshmukh had asked the now-suspended and arrested police officer, Sachin Waze to collect Rs 100 crore per month from hotels, bars, and restaurants. Deshmukh has denied the allegations.
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The criminal PIL filed by Singh in the High Court had sought an “immediate, unbiased, impartial” probe by the Central Bureau of Investigation against the NCP leader. The former Mumbai commissioner had sought an HC direction to the CBI to secure CCTV footage from Deshmukh’s residence from earlier this year before it was “destroyed,” reports PTI.
The allegations by Singh came days after he was ousted from his post and transferred to a low-key post in Maharashtra Police’s Home Guards in the wake of the Antilla bomb scare case.
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He was ousted after he was accused of mishandling the bomb scare case outside Mukesh Ambani’s residence.
After the allegations, Deshmukh on Saturday said he will file a defamation case against Singh.