Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Sunday released its manifesto for the upcoming West Bengal elections, scheduled to be held in eight phases from March 27. Union Home Minister along with other BJP leaders released the manifesto at their Kolkata office.
Shah said, “We have decided to call our manifesto a ‘Sankalp Patra’. It is not just a manifesto but a resolution letter for West Bengal by the country’s largest party.”
The senior BJP leader said if voted to power, they will give 33% reservation to women in state government jobs.
He added, “We have decided that no infiltrators to be allowed in Bengal and border fencing will be strengthened.”
Shah promised to continue PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, which Mamata Banerjee stopped giving to farmers from last three years.
Also Read| West Bengal polls: BJP’s election promises ahead of its manifesto release
The Home Minister also promised implementation of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) in the first Cabinet and said refugees who have been staying in the state for 70 years will be given citizenship. “Each refugee family will get Rs 10,000 per year for 5 years,” said Shah.
Frequenting West Bengal for rallies in recent weeks ahead of assembly polls, top BJP leadership, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Home Minister Amit Shah, promised a slew of measures to be taken in the state if BJP comes to power.
List of promises in BJP’s manifesto:
Free education to women from KG to PG
Three new AIIMS hospitals in North Bengal, Jangalmahal and Sundarban
Common Eligibility Test for all state government jobs to keep a check on corruption
Separate Task Forces to curb the problem of arms racketeering, unchecked narcotics trade, land grabbing, fake currency circulation and cattle smuggling
Sonar Bangla fund worth Rs 11,000 crores to promote art, literature and other such sectors
An SIT to investigate cases of political killings and take strict action against those responsible
Rs 25 lakh as a rehabilitation package to each of the victims of political violence in West Bengal
Efforts to make Bengali one of the official languages in the United Nations