Bengaluru South MP Tejasvi Surya on Sunday said that the Home Minister of India, Amit Shah, had told him that the ministry will set up a permanent division of the National Investigation Agency (NIA) in the Karnataka capital soon in a bid to curtail ‘anti-India activities’, news agency ANI reported.

“On August 11,there was an incident of violence in Bengaluru where Police stations were attacked. NIA investigation into it resulted in arrest of a few key conspirators. It has come to light that the protest wasn’t spontaneous but a conspiracy,” Surya said.

Also read | 10 things we know about Bengaluru violence so far

“Many terror modules and sleeper cells have been busted in Bengaluru. I urged Home Minister to set up a permanent division of NIA so that anti-India activities that want to use Bengaluru as an incubator of terror activities can be curtailed. He assured it’ll be set up soon,” he added.

Earlier, the top agency said that it had conducted searches at 30 places here and arrested a key conspirator identified as Sayed Saddiq Ali, PTI reported.

Also read | Bengaluru violence: 35 more accused arrested, Sec 144 extended till August 18

NIA said that he was absconding since August 11 when over 3,000 people went on a rampage torching the residences of Congress MLA R Akhanda Srinivasa Murthy, his sister Jayanthi and Devara Jeevanahalli and Kadugondanahalli police stations.