Megastar Amitabh Bachchan’s granddaugher Navya Naveli Nanda recently posted pictures from a girls’ night out with Suhana Khan, Ananya Panday, and Shanaya Kapoor on her social media. Captioned ‘How it started vs How it’s going’, her Instagram post also featured a picture of the four from their childhood. It showed the four of them as kids, smiling for the camera in swimsuits.
Check her post out below:
Suhana Khan also shared pictures from their night out on her Instagram page.
Both their posts garnered praise from fans, who especially appreciated the childhood picture of the four. Their close bond did not go unnoticed by users on the image sharing platform.
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Navya, who only recently made her Instagram account public, seems to have no plans of entering the Bollywood industry. Ananya Panday has already worked in five Hindi films, while Suhana Khan and Shanaya Kapoor are making their way through. Suhana is currently a student at the Tisch School of Arts at New York University.