Bhupinder Singh Mann, former MP and national president of Bharatiya Kisan Union, has recused himself from the Supreme Court appointed panel on farm laws saying he did not want to ‘compromise the interests of Punjab and farmers of the country.’

The recusal of Mann, 81, comes amid criticism from farmer unions that all panel members were votaries of the legislations and had sided with the Centre on the issue all along.

In a tweet, the Bhartiya Kisan Union said, “Bhupinder Singh Mann Ex-MP and national president of BKU and chairman of All India Kisan Coordination Committee has recused himself from the four-member committee constituted by the Hon’ble Supreme Court.”

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The BKU also tweeted an unsigned text statement purportedly issued by Mann.

“I am thankful to the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India for nominating me in the four-member committee to start dialogue with kisan unions on the three laws brought in by the central government. As a farmer myself and a union leader, in view of the prevailing sentiments and apprehensions amongst the farm unions and the public in general, I am ready to sacrifice any position offered or given to me so as to not compromise the interests of Punjab and farmers of the country,” the statement reads.

In the statement, Mann added, “I am recusing myself from the committee and I will always stand with my farmers and Punjab.”

Mann, 81, was among the four members picked by the Supreme Court to look into the issues raised by farmers against the new farm laws. The farmers have been protesting at several points along Delhi’s borders for the past 50 days and have threatened to roll their tractors into Delhi on January 26 if the laws are not repealed.

Other members of the committee are agricultural economist Ashok Gulati and Pramod Kumar Joshi, along with Anil Ghanwat of Shetkari Sangathana.