Dilip Ghosh, West Bengal BJP president, on Thursday justified his controversial comment over Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s injured leg, as he said that a woman in a saree flaunting her leg is not a reflection of the Bengali culture. On Tuesday, Ghosh said that if Mamata has to display her “broken leg” for votes, she can very well wear Bermuda shorts, which help people see it clearly.

Being a woman chief minister we certainly expect from her some decency that goes well with the culture and tradition of Bengal, and with the values of a Bengali woman,” Ghosh told reporters, when asked about his remarks. 

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The state BJP president added, “However, here we can see a saree-clad woman who is flaunting her leg frequently. Do you consider this as a reflection of the culture of Bengal? I have protested against this (at the meeting).”

People will punish the ‘misogyny,’ said the TMC, reacting to the BJP leader’s justification, adding that Ghosh has gone on to defend the insult he meted out to the “daughter of Bengal.”

“Be it saree clad women or those wearing ripped jeans, Bengal won’t forgive!” the TMC said on Twitter.

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State minister Chandrima Bhattacharya said that women of Bengal won’t give a single vote to people of such mindset.

Actor-turned-politician Nusrat Jahan said, “Misogyny and the need to control women as per the wishes of men is so deeply embedded in BJP leaders that it’s a matter of national concern now.”

The BJP state president has earlier been in the midst of controversies for his comments, which ranged from claims that the milk of “desi” cows milk has gold content to demands that Balakot-like surgical strikes be carried out on Jadavpur University to drive out Communists.

The chief minister has been campaigning for the elections on a wheelchair with her left leg plastered after she was injured in an incident in Nandigram soon after filing her nomination papers on March 10.

She had alleged that the BJP hatched a conspiracy to prevent her from campaigning by organising the “attack”, a charge rubbished by the opposition party.