Burger King UK accused McDonald’s UK of stealing one of their menu items. Mcdonalds announced that the customers would be able to taste Homestyle Crispy Chicken, Chilli Cheese Bites, and both the Crème Egg and Cadbury Caramel McFlurry from March 16 to April 26.
Burger King criticized McDonald’s for its Chilli Cheese Bites, comparing a photograph of the new McDonald’s addition to an existing photo of Burger King‘s version – also known as Chilli Cheese Bites.
Burger King UK’s official Twitter account shared a humorous image depicting how kids imitate schoolwork.
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“Can I copy your homework?”
“Yeah, just change it up a little so it doesn’t look copied”
*After fifteen years*
“It’s not like it’s been on our menu for the past 15 years…” Burger King wrote.
According to the description of Burger King’s Chilli Cheese Bites, “Crispy coated with smooth and spicy cheese inside. A unique taste of chilli with every bite.”
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McDonald’s Chilli Cheese Nibbles, on the other hand, are available in quantities of four or twelve and are described as “a serving of four chilli cheese bites in a crispy batter, paired with a delicious tomato dip.”
People sided with their favourite fast-food restaurant.
“Burger King ones ALL DAY EVERYDAY.”
“Tried McDonald’s ones tonight – Burger King ones are deffo better.”
“That’s so funny because they taste better than yours.”
“They literally probably come from the same supplier so can’t change them much!”
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Burger King has a history of making fun of rival fast-food restaurants. Burger King made a not-so-subtle dig at Chick-fil-A and their problematic relationship with the LGBTQ+ community. The fast-food business announced on Twitter that for every Ch’King chicken sandwich sold, it will contribute 40 cents to the Human Rights Campaign.
The eatery went on to say that they would make the gifts ‘even on Sunday,’ a dig at Chick-fil-A, which shutters its locations on Sundays due to Christian ownership.
In 2012, Dan Cathy, Chick-fil-A’s CEO, stated that the company supports “the biblical notion of the family unit.” Cathy restated his opinion on same-sex marriage in a 2018 interview with a local Atlanta TV station but said that he is not anti-gay. Since then, the corporation has attempted to disassociate itself from its unsupportive posture toward the LGBTQ+ community.