The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is conducting raids on rice and wheat godowns in Punjab and Haryana after complaints of irregularities. The action on Friday comes amid the ongoing agitation by farmers, mostly from these two states.
“In the light of receiving a large number of complaints of irregularities in Food Corporation of India (FCI) godowns, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) is conducting joint surprise checks at about 20 locations in Punjab and Haryana, as part of preventive vigilance,” the CBI said, according to news agency ANI.
(In pics: Farmers hold ground at Ghazipur)
The raids began on Thursday night, with multiple CBI teams, helped by CRPF personnel, swooping on the godowns. The state government was reportedly not informed of the action, reports The Tribune.
The raids come amid a face-off between the farmers and the government over the two-month long agitation against new farm laws. The agitation turned violent on January 26 during the farmers’ tractor rally. Several cops were injured as they clashed with farmers at central Delhi’s ITO and Red Fort.
First introduced on June 5, 2020 as ordinances, the Fram bills were passed by Parliament on September 14 via voice vote and Presidential assent was given on September 27. The farmers have been opposing the laws, saying that they would lead to corporatisation of Agriculture and lower returns for their yield.