Ahead of the BJP mega rally in Kolkata’s Brigade Parade Ground that took place on Saturday, there were speculations that former India cricket team captain Sourav Ganguly and actor Mithun Chakraborty might attend the rally. While Chakraborty attended the rally and joined the party, Ganguly remained absent. However, amidst the speculations, several parties have been claiming that Ganguly is endorsing them.
A photo of Ganguly has been circulating on social media that read, “Swagatam Dada.” Each photo had a symbol of a political party and with each symbol, the colour of Ganguly’s ‘attire’ change, according to India Today.
The CPI(M), Trinamool Congress and BJP, all the three parties actively contesting for the upcoming West Bengal assembly elections feature in these images.
The photo of Ganguly used in the images is however, of him endorsing popular incense stick brand ‘Cycle Rhythm Agarbathies’. Ganguly could be seen in the same attire in one of the brand’s advertisements as well.
While the BJP has used the photo of him in saffron attire, Trinamool and CPI(M) changed it to their respective colours of green and red.
Assembly elections in West Bengal start from March 27 and will end on April 29.