A man who had allegedly committed suicide in a small village in Karnataka left a one-page suicide note stating that he had been a huge fan of KGF star, Yash and Karnataka politician Siddaramaiah. According to reports, the deceased man was a 25-year-old named Ramakrishna. His body was found at his house in Kodidoddi village which is 105 km away from Bengaluru.
According to media reports, in his suicide note, the victim mentioned that he has failed in his life as he had not been a good son to his mother, a good brother to his sibling, or a good lover. Thus, he said, he had decided to end his life.
Reportedly, he mentioned that his last wish was that Yash and Siddaramaiah attend his funeral.
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The leader of the opposition went to the man’s village after the news reached him and attended the last rites. Yash took to Twitter to share his condolences.
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The police have taken up the case and are currently investigating it.