Kishore Upadhyay, the former Congress Uttarakhand unit chief, joined the BJP on Wednesday ahead of the upcoming assembly elections in the state. Upadhyay was expelled from the Congress for six years for indulging in “anti-party activities”, news agency PTI reported.
“I have joined BJP with the spirit of taking Uttarakhand forward. You should ask Congress why such a situation has risen,” ANI quoted Upadahyay as saying upon joining the BJP in Dehradun.
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The Congress earlier removed Upadhyay from all posts after he met with BJP leaders, including the party’s election-in charge for Uttarakhand Pralhad Joshi, in Dehradun.
“Since you had been continuously indulging yourself in anti party activities despite warnings. So you are hereby expelled from the primary membership of congress party for six years with immediate effect,” Devendra Yadav, Congress’ current Uttarakhand in-charge said in a letter to Upadhyay.
Upadhyay’s name was missing from the Congress’ third list of candidates released on Wednesday for the upcoming polls, leading to speculations about his future with the party.
The BJP is likely to field Upadhyay from the Tehri constituency, a seat that the 63-year-old won in the 2002 and 2007 elections.
Uttarakhand will vote for a new government on February 14, with results set to be declared on March 10.
Upadhyay’s switch comes days after the Congress lost senior Uttar Pradesh leader RPN Singh to the BJP ahead of the crucial assembly elections in the state.