Bhai Dooj, a festival that is celebrated two days after Diwali to mark the bond between siblings, is being celebrated across India on November 6 this year. Also called Bhau Bheej and Bhai Phota, the festival is similar to the Raksha Bandhan. Rituals include sisters putting ‘tilak’ on the brother’s forehead and praying for his long lives.

Also Read: Bhai Dooj 2021: 4 delicious sweet recipes you must try at home

On this occasion, here are a few special Bhai Dooj wishes that you can send to your siblings – 

For my sweet sister, sending loving Bhai Dooj wishes for you. I send my love and promise to protect and love you till my last breath of life.

As I pray for your long and healthy life, I wish you a very Happy Bhai Dooj. May each and every day of your life be full of happiness and celebrations.

Wishing a very Happy Bhai Dooj to all the brothers and sisters. May God bless your relationship with happiness, understanding and lots of love.

Also Read: Bhai Dooj: 5 excellent gift ideas for your brother

Warm greetings on Bhai Dooj to you. I pray for the best of your health, happiness and prosperity because you are certainly the most important person to me on this planet.

I pray for your happiness and health, success and prosperity this Bhai Dooj…. May our bond of love is always blessed by Almighty.

On the occasion of Bhai Dooj, I just want to tell you that I feel so fortunate to have you in my life…. Happy Bhai Dooj to you.

We may fight the most but we also love each other the most…. Cheers to this beautiful bond of love that we share… Happy Bhai Dooj to my loving brother.

Happy Bhai Dooj to the brother who means the world to me…. When you are there, I know I can conquer this world… I can face all the challenges in life… Love you lots.

Warm wishes on Bhai Dooj to my dearest brother who has been my biggest support and strength. Always stay the same.