A Bengaluru-based social media influencer’s allegation that a delivery boy of food delivery app Zomato hit her on her face, got her widespread support. Although as the Zomato guy, Kamaraj’s side of the story came to light, people were left divided, with many extending their support to him.
One of them is actor Parineeti Chopra, who has called for Zomato to “find and publicly report the truth.”
“If the gentleman is innocent (and I believe he is), PLEASE help us penalise the woman in question,” she tweeted.
“This is inhuman, shameful and heartbreaking ..,” Chopra added.
In an Instagram story, she wrote, “FIND THE TRUTHHH!! If this man has been framed for no reason, the woman who did this NEEDS to pay for his pain! F***.”
After the Zomato-based influencer made the allegation in an Instagram video, which went viral, Kamraj was arrested on the charges of assaulting a woman. He was released on conditional bail the next day.
Telling his side of the story, Kamraj said the woman, Hitesha Chandranee had hit him with a slipper and while he was defending himself by pushing her hands away, she got hit by the ring on her finger.