India, on Tuesday, recorded 184,372 new cases of COVID-19, the data released by the Union Health Ministry on Wednesday showed. 1,027 people died of the disease in the past 24 hours. With this, India’s caseload stands at 13,873,825, including 172,085 deaths.
There are 1,365,704 active cases in the country, while 12,336,036 have recovered.
Also read: COVID-19 pandemic at ‘critical point’ as cases rise exponentially: WHO
260,618,866 samples have been tested for the novel coronavirus till April 13, the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) said. This includes 1,411,758 samples tested on Tuesday.
India started its coronavirus vaccination drive on January 16 and its three phases have since been launched.
On Tuesday, India recorded a steady increase in COVID-19 numbers.
Also read: Here’s how to download your COVID-19 vaccination certificate
India’s COVID-19 tally had crossed the 2-million mark on August 7; 3-million on August 23; 4-million on September 5; and 5-million on September 16. It went past 6 million on September 28; 7 million on October 11; 8 million on October 29; 9 million on November 20; and the 10-million mark on December 19.