Recently, a number of WhatsApp users have been receiving a forwarded message that claims that German sportswear giant Adidas is giving out free pairs of shoes on International Women’s Day. If you are one of them, we suggest you ignore the text as it is an online scam.
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Yes, the circulated message saying “Adidas is offering free shoes on Women’s day” is totally fake. It also mentions a URL “”, which can lead you to trouble. This link is not part of Adidas’ official website. If you look closely, you’ll notice that the spelling of Adidas is misspelt that immediately raises concerns.
Also, it is quite obvious that if Adidas was actually offering free shoes, the company would have updated the official website first or its social media handles. There’s no mention of freebies on any of them.
This is not the first time people received such a message on WhatsApp. The same thing happened in 2018, where some cyber scammers circulated a fake text on the platform to trick users.
So, anytime you find something suspicious on any social media platform, do not click on that. Always check the spellings and don’t fall for free gifts.