The Jharkhand High Court on Friday rejected Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) president and former Bihar chief minister Lalu Prasad Yadav’s bail plea in connection Dumka treasury case and asked him to file a fresh petition after two months, according to ANI.
The court said since the RJD supremo has to serve two more months in jail to complete half of the tenure of his total sentence in the case.
Prasad has already acquired bail in three out of the four cases of the fodder scam in which he has been convicted and acceptance of his request in the case related to illegal withdrawal of Rs 3.13 crore from the Dumka treasury could have helped him come out of the jail.
Yadav, who had been in prison since December 2017, was sentenced to seven years imprisonment in 2018 under the Prevention of Corruption Act in connection with the case. He has already been granted bail in other cases.
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The former Bihar CM is undergoing treatment for serious ailments at AIIMS Hospital in Delhi. Yadav is serving a four-year sentence in the fodder scam case and the jail manual violation case.
Lalu Yadav had sought bail on the basis of completing half the period of punishment in the case of illegal withdrawal from the Dumka treasury of the fodder scam. The trial court sentenced him to seven years in the case. During the last hearing, Lalu Yadav had claimed to be in jail for more than 42 months.
The CBI has opposed the bail plea of the former Union Minister. The agency said that he has not served half the sentence.
The Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) chief’s elder son and party MLA Tej Pratap Yadav had been campaigning for his release and had last week sent 50,000 postcards to President Ram Nath Kovind seeking Lalu Yadav’s release on humanitarian grounds.