Actress Kangana Ranaut took to her social media handles to announce her next film, a biopic on late former Prime minister of India Indira Gandhi. She has also shared a throwback picture from one of her old photoshoots in which she was seen dressed up as the political leader with a similar hairstyle like hers.
“This is a photoshoot about iconic women I did in the beginning of my career, little did I know one day I will get to play the iconic leader on screen,” Kangana Ranaut wrote along with the photo.
The actress also said that she is collaborating with her dear friend Sai Kabir for the political drama. “Produced by Manikarnika Films. Written and Directed by Sai Kabir.” she wrote.
Also read: Kangana Ranaut accuses liberals of reporting her Twitter account to ‘uncle’ Jack Dorsey
She added that, “The script is in its final stages. It is not a biopic but it is a grand period film that will help my generation to understand (the) socio-political landscape of current India.”
According to the statement released by her office, the film will feature Emergency and Operation Blue Star.