Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan on Friday’s ‘Kaun Banega Crorepati‘ episode was seen admitting that team India lost whenever he watched a cricket game. The ‘Sholay’ actor hosted former Indian captain Sourav Ganguly and opener Virender Sehwag on the ‘Shaandaar Shukravaar’ episode.
Chatting with Sehwag and Ganguly, Bachchan said, “Whenever I watched a cricket match, India lost.” The three chuckled as the superstar further revealed that he had to stop watching matches.
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Amitabh Bachchan also revealed that Sourav Ganguly, who was the CAB President then, invited him to a India vs Pakistan at the Eden Gardens, Kolkata. Big B sang the national anthem ahead of the match that was also attended by West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Bannerjee.
Bachchan also told Ganguly that he was very proud of the Indian skipper for waving his shirt in the famous Lord’s balcony.
In the same episode, Virender Sehwag revealed that he suffered with mental health issues in the initial phase of his cricket career. The 42-year-old said that he felt the pressure of not understanding and being able to speak English when he received the man of the match award for the first time.
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The three shared many anecdotes. One of them came right at the start of the episode, when the ‘Prince of Kolkata’ revealed the story behind making Australian captain wait ahead of the toss for the legendary 2001 Test match at the Eden Gardens in Kolkata.
Ganguly said that after the warm ups on the opening day on March 11, he went to the dressing room to get ready for the toss. And because of the heightened tensions ahead of a high-pressure match, he forgot where he kept his Team India blazer.
“I came out dressed in the all whites and the media manager asked where my blazer is. I said I don’t know, must be here somewhere. I then wore someone else’s blazer