Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar said on Saturday that certain “unwanted elements” are present during the farmers’ protests, ANI reported. “We’ve inputs of some such unwanted elements in crowd. We’ve reports, will disclose once it’s concrete,” he said on being asked about the alleged presence of Khalistani elements in the protests.
In a massive claim, the Haryana CM said a particularly controversial and threatening remark was made by such “elements.”
“They said, ‘jab Indira Gandhi ko ye kar sakte hain, to Modi ko kyu nahi kar sakte,'” claimed Khattar.
Meanwhile, the Haryana Police had booked Bhartiya Kisan Union (BKU) chief Gurnam Singh Charuni and several other farmers on attempt to murder, rioting, causing obstruction in government duty and other charges for violations during their “Delhi Chalo” march, officials said on Saturday, as per PTI report.
A case was registered on November 26 under sections 307 (attempt to murder), 147 (rioting), 149 (unlawful assembly), 186 (obstructing any public servant in discharge of public functions) and 269 (negligent act likely to spread infection of disease dangerous to life) among others at the Parao police station, following a complaint from Head Constable Pardeep Kumar.
The FIR names Charuni and several other unknown farmers as accused. According to it, the BKU Haryana chief and others had gathered near Mohra village in Ambala. Deputy Superintendent of Police Ram Kumar, who was leading the police team, asked Charuni not to proceed further but he refused.
It also adds that they broke police barricades with their tractors.
Also read: Farm law protests Day 3 Live Updates: Farmers booked for attempt to murder, rioting in Haryana
Farmers are protesting over the three Farm laws that were enacted during the Monsoon Session of Parliament.