In view of rising crime against women, the Uttar Pradesh Police on Thursday took to Twitter to innovatively aware people about consent with the help of some scenes from popular Bollywood movies. Recently, UP Police has been spreading awareness about important issues through interesting and entertaining ways on social media.
This time around, the Twitter handle used the references from the 1993 hit film ‘Darr’ and 2016 thriller-drama ‘Pink’.
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Using a clip of the song from ‘Darr’, ‘tu ha kar ya na kar tu hai meri Kiran’, UP Police asked in Hindi, ‘Kiran ki na ka matlab?’, which translates to ‘the meaning of Kiran’s no?’
The answer was also in the same video in a form of a famous dialogue by Amitabh Bachchan from ‘Pink’, where he says, ‘No means no’. The clip ended with the hashtag ‘Kanoon Se Dar’.
To simply put, the message here was that when a woman says no to advances made by a man, the man should deem it as the final answer and not go further in any way forcefully.
In early January, Mumbai Police also took a step for the same issue. On December 31, 2020, the Twitter handle of Mumbai Police tweeted, “Single and ready to mingle but ONLINE,” as an advisory.
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The post got hundreds of responses and a person asked: “What if I reach her place by 11 pm and stay there overnight?”
To answer the user, Mumbai Police tweeted, “We hope you have taken her consent else we have an alternate accommodation for the night in mind for you!”