Lata Mangeshkar, the renowned Indian singer, died on Sunday at the age of 92. She was being treated in Mumbai’s Breach Candy hospital, where she was admitted on January 8 after testing positive for COVID-19. She was also being treated for pneumonia. 

Mangeshkar, who was known as ‘Nightingale of India’ had recovered from COVID but was put back on ventilator on Saturday after her health deteriorated. 

Tributes poured in from all across the country following news of her death, with Prime Minister Narendra Modi she “left a void that cannot be filled”. 

One of the many questions on people’s mind regarding Mangeshkar is the fact that she never married. If
you’re curious as to why the legendary singer chose to remain single, we’ll tell you.

Mangeshkar had a tough childhood. Mangeshkar was born on September 28, 1929, to Deenanath Mangeshkar, a
Marathi musician who educated her in music. She was the eldest of four sisters and a brother who lost their father while they were small. She was
given the responsibility of the house at the age of 13, when she began singing.

According to a Times Now story, Lata Mangeshkar said in one
of her interviews, “After the death of my father, the responsibility of
the family fell on me.” I had to look after my siblings, so I began
singing at a young age and enjoyed it. I had never considered getting married.

Mangeshkar got her three sisters – Asha Bhosle, Meena Khadikar, and Usha
Mangeshkar – as well as her brother – Hridyanath Mangeshkar – married. She devoted her
entire life to her family and her passion for music.

Dinanath Mangeshkar, Lata Mangeshkar’s father, died of a
heart attack in 1942. Following that, Lata Mangeshkar received a lot of help
from her father’s friend Master Vinayak. People used to reject her because of
her thin voice, but after beginning with Marathi singing and progressing to
Hindi and then other languages, Lata Mangeshkar made it to the top of the music