A leopard managed to create panic among the residents of a society in Bengaluru after the animal was spotted in the parking space of the apartment complex. The incident took place at the Prestige Songh of the South apartment complex in Bengaluru’s Bannerghatta Road.
Reports stated that a milkman spotted the animal in the complex and alerted the police and forest officials, who rushed to the spot around 6 am on Saturday. The leopard, however, couldn’t be traced even after a 6-hour search operation. The animal was believed to have entered the apartment from the nearby Bannerghatta forest.
As soon as the leopard was spotted in the apartment by the milkman, the residents received a WhatsApp message asking them to not step out of their homes. The residents of the nearby complexes were also alerted.
“Dear residents, there was a leopard spotted in Prestige Song of South and police and forest officials are doing the combing operations. Given the proximity, we would request all residents of Raj Serenity to exercise caution. Measures like not to send kids outside alone.. etc could be few aspects that residents may ensure. Management committee will keep you posted as we hear further updates on the combing operations,” the message received by the residents of a surrounding complex read, the Times of India reported.
Meanwhile, the area will be monitored by the forest officials until the animal is captured.