Pushkar Singh Dhami was, on Saturday, elected as the new chief minister of Uttarakhand. He was chosen after Tirath Singh tendered his resignation to state governor Baby Rani Maurya at 11pm on Friday. The announcement comes after a BJP legislature party meeting in Dehradun. The meet was attended by Union Minister and the party’s central observer Narendra Singh Tomar.
An advocate by profession, Dhami was born on September 16, 1975. According to media reports, from 1990 to 1999, Dhami was involved with the Akhil Bhartiya Vidyarthi Parishad, BJP’s student wing. There, he reportedly held various roles, including that of an organiser of the Parishad’s National Conference in Lucknow during the time.
From 2010 to 2012, Dhami worked in the Urban Development Monitoring Council under the erstwhile IJP Government.
A total of 9 people have served as the state’s chief minister since its formation on 9 November 2000. Six of them, including Nityanand Swami represented the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) while the rest represented Congress.
Here are the list of the Uttarakhand’s chief ministers:
-Nityanand Swami (November 2000-October 2001)
-Bhagat Singh Koshyari (October 2001-March 2002)
-Narayan Datt Tiwari (March 2002-March 2007)
-Bhuwan Chandra Khanduri (March 2007-June 2009)
-Ramesh Pokhriyal (June 2009-September 2001)
-Bhuwan Chandra Khanduri (September 2011-March 2012)
-Vijay Bahuguna (March 2012-January 2014)
-Harish Rawat (Febriary 2014-March 2017)
-Trivendra Singh Rawat (March 2017-March 2021)
-Tirath Singh Rawat (March 2021-July 2021)
In the history of UK, only ND Tiwari completed his full term. Tiwari, who died in 2018, was the CM in the Congress government. Apart from Tiwari, only two chief ministers – Trivendra Singh Rawat and – have served for over three years.
Harish Rawat was the third-longest serving CM of Uttarakhand, although in installments because of President’s rule.
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