Bollywood actor Kirti Kulhari has announced that she and her husband, Saahil Sehgal, have decided to separate. The 35-year-old actor shared a note on Instagram that said the couple’s separation is “not on paper, but in life”. Soon after her announcement, her ‘Four More Shots Please’ co-stars dropped positive comments on her post to cheer her up.
“You know we are in your corner na..,” actor Sayani Gupta said. “Love you KK,” actor Maanvi Gagroo wrote.
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In the long note posted on Thursday, Kirti said, “A simple note to let everyone know that my husband Saahil and I have decided to separate…A decision that’s probably harder than the decision of ‘being with somebody’, because coming together is celebrated by everyone you love and care about.”
“And the decision of ‘not being with somebody’ brings along pain and hurt to the same people. It’s not easy. Guess it’s not meant to be easy but it is what it is,” she added.
“To all those who really care, I am in a good place and I hope everyone who matters in my life is too. Will not be commenting further on this. Upward and Onward… Always..,” the ‘Pink’ actor concluded with a folded hands emoji.
Several other celebrities, too, extended their support to Kirti’s decision. “Big hug to you my gal,” actor Divya Dutta wrote in the comments. While celebrity interviewer Rajeev Masand left a heart emoji.
Kirti and Saahil got married in 2016. Sahil, also an actor, has starred in the web series ‘Four More Shots Please!’ and the film ‘Basmati Blues’.
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Meanwhile, Kirti has been featured in commercially successful films, including ‘URI: The Surgical Strike’ and ‘Mission Mangal’. She started her career with theatre and television commercials.
Kirti made her film debut with ‘Khichdi: The Movie’. She was last seen in Parineeti Chopra-starrer film ‘The Girl On The Train’.