Bollywood actor Jacqueline Fernandez has been asked by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) to appear before the agency and record her statement on Saturday after she skipped her summons on Friday in connection with a money laundering case.
The 36-year-old actor once appeared before the federal agency in August and recorded her statement under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) in this case.
Also read: ED summons Nora Fatehi, Jacqueline Fernandez: All about the money-laundering case
Hindustan Times reported that she skipped her fresh summons for Friday and has been asked to depose before the investigating officer of the case on Saturday. It is understood that the agency wants to confront Chandrashekhar and his actor wife, Leena Maria Paul.
Meanwhile, actor and dancer Norah Fatehi recorded her statement with the ED on Thursday in this case.
“Nora Fatehi has been the victim around the case and being a witness, she is co-operating and helping the officers in the investigation,” her representative said. The spokesperson maintained that Fatehi has not been a part of “any money laundering activity” and urged the media to “refrain from slandering her name”.
Also read: Actor Jacqueline Fernandez was victim of Rs 200-crore racket: Report
“She does not know or have any personal connection with the accused and has been called by the ED to strictly help with the investigation,” HT reported a spokesperson as saying.
Chandrashekhar and Paul were recently arrested by the ED while they were already lodged in a local jail after being taken into custody by the Delhi Police on charges of cheating some people, including some high-profile individuals like former Fortis Healthcare promoter Shivinder Mohan Singh’s wife Aditi Singh.
In August, the ED had raided some of Chandrashekhar’s premises and seized a sea-facing bungalow in Chennai, Rs 82.5 lakh cash, and over a dozen luxury cars. It had claimed in a statement that Chandrashekhar is a “known conman” and is being probed by the Delhi Police in a case of alleged criminal conspiracy, cheating, and extortion to the tune of about Rs 200 crore.