The Narcotics Control Bureau on Saturday arrested Sushant Singh Rajput’s cook Dipesh Sawant in relation to the ongoing probe in the drug angle related to the actor’s death. Sawant will be produced before the concerned court at Esplanade Court at 11 am, KPS Malhotra, Deputy Director of the NCB. 

Malhotra said that till now seven persons have been arrested and three people, Showik Chakraborty, Samuel Miranda and Zaid, are NCB remand.  The anti-narcotics bureau had arrested Rhea Chakraborty’s brother Showik Chakraborty on Friday, who allegedly “dealt in drugs with many others”.

Earlier on Saturday, the Bureau said that Showik had links with accused Abdel Basit Parihar and will remain in NCB custody till September 9. The anti-narcotics bureau told the court that Showik needs to be confronted with Rajput’s personal staff, Dipesh Sawant, and his sister Rhea, who is the main accused in the actor’s death case.

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Along with Showik, the NCB had also arrested Sushant’s ex-house manager Samuel Miranda on Friday under various sections of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act after being questioned for 10 hours.

Three central agencies, the NCB, the Enforcement Directorate (ED), and the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) are probing various angles linked to Sushant Singh Rajput’s death. The actor, 34, was found dead at his house in Mumbai’s Bandra on June 14.

The Mumbai Police had initially said that the actor died due to suicide. However, the case was later handed over to the following a plea by Rajput’s family in the Supreme Court.