The Home Ministry on Monday provided Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut with ‘Y-plus’ level security. The actor is currently embroiled in a public spat with the Shiv Sena in Maharashtra after she compared Mumbai with Pakistan occupied Kashmir (PoK).

Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut had accused her of insulting Maharashtra asking her not to return to Mumbai which the actor interpreted as a threat and took to Twitter to voice her frustration. Shiv Sena has also filed a sedition charge against the actor. 

After Ranaut was accorded Y-plus security, politicians and actors voiced their opinions on the social media.

Congress national spokesperson Dr Udit Raj took a jibe at the Modi government. He tweeted, “By giving Y + Security to Kangana Ranaut, the Modi government saved India’s economy from falling.”

He added, “This government stripped me of the Y + security. Because, I fight for reservation. Kangana Ranaut opposed the reservation and hence gave protection.”

Writer Devdutt Pattanaik tweeted, “By calling Mumbai as PoK you become VVVIP in Hindutva land…. The irony.”

Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra tweeted, “Why are Bollywood twitterati getting Y+ security when India has a police to population ratio of 138 per lakh & ranks 5th lowest globally among 71 countries? No better use of resources, Mister Home Minister?”

Actor Swara Bhasker retweeted a fan’s comment and said, “Thank uuu Nazma but no.. I’d rather that taxpayers money be used for real issues.. like development.. or malnutrition.”  

Actor Kubbra Sait also tweeted her take on the matter and wrote “Just checking, is it going out my taxes?”

Eminent Indian cartoonist Satish Acharya posted a comic sketch on the issue on his Twitter account depicting the scenario in a satirical manner.

Actor Kangana Ranaut is set to return to Mumbai on Wednesday, September 9.