Union Aviation Minister Hardeep Singh Puri on Thursday said that next year’s Republic Day Parade will be held at Central Vistas Avenue, adding that it will be a symbol of modern India. 

Puri participated in the ‘bhoomi-pujan’ (ground-breaking) ceremony for the proposed redevelopment project, ANI reported.

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“Next Republic Day parade will be on Central Vista Avenue. It’ll be a symbol of Modern India. Some don’t understand its importance, some don’t want country to progress. They were questioning COVID vaccine too but as all can see, we had a phenomenal rollout,” ANI quoted Puri as saying. 

The redevelopment project of the Central Vista, the nation’s power corridor, envisages a new triangular parliament building, a common central secretariat, revamping of the three-km-long Rajpath from Rashtrapati Bhavan to India Gate, new Prime Minister Residence and PMO, and a new Vice-President Enclave.

The estimated cost of the redevelopment project is Rs 971 crore, PTI reported. Last month, Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone for the project, which is expected to be complete by the 75th anniversary of India’s independence.