Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on Tuesday, via video conference launched six mega projects in Uttarakhand with Namani Ganga mission as its epicentre. During the launch, the Prime Minister slammed the ones who opposed the newly-formed Farm Laws.
PM Modi said that these politics of the Opposition for opposition’s sake was the root of the frustration of a party, which had ruled for four generations.
“Opposition for the sake of opposition. The frustration of a party that has ended up riding the shoulders of others despite wielding power for four generations is behind this politics of the opposition for opposition’s sake,” Modi said.
Also read: ‘Yet another source of black money closed’: PM Modi slams opposition over farm laws protests
His explanation of the Farm Laws stated the government’s objective to set farmers free from restrictions, which they had suffered for decades.
“They will have both MSP and the freedom to sell their produce anywhere in the open market but there are people who are spreading lies about the bills,” Modi said.
Modi claimed that the Opposition only wanted the middlemen to thrive.
“They only want middlemen to thrive and want the problems of farmers to be perpetuated. The real reason behind the ongoing protests is that yet another source of black money has been closed for them,” the prime minister said.
The Congress’ youth wing activists on Monday morning set a tractor ablaze near India Gate, a few hundred metres from the Rashtrapati Bhavan and Parliament, to protest the contentious farm laws.
“They are opposing the freedom of farmers and want their problems to continue forever. By torching farming equipment, which the agriculturists worship, these people are now insulting farmers,” he said without naming the Congress.
His scathing attacks didn’t stop at the Farm Laws but the leader of the Lok Sabha accused the Opposition of opposing every move by the centre, ranging from GST, One Rank One Pension, Rafale deal, Statue of Unity, 10% reservation for the poor to the celebration of November 26 as Samvidhan Diwas.
He raised a sharp question, mentioning that no Opposition leader till date had visited the Statue of Unity, that honours the memory of a leader who unified the country. “Why? Because they had to oppose,” he said.
Also read: PM Modi takes a jibe at China, says dependence on any single source is risky
PM Modi, without taking any names, recalled the instances when the Opposition doubted the Jan Dhan scheme that has come handy during the pandemic. He said after opposing the Ram Mandir in the Supreme Court for decades, they even began opposing its foundation stone laying in Ayodhya.
The path of the PM’s address led to the surgical strikes, army, youth and Rafale fighter jets.
“They did not do anything for years to strengthen the Air Force, ignoring its pleas for being better equipped and modernised. I am pleased to see that Rafale fighter jets are strengthening our Air Force today,” said the PM.
Modi inaugurated six sewage treatment plants in Haridwar, Rishikesh, Muni-ki-Reti town and Badrinath under Namami Gange through video conference.
In the last segment, Modi attacked the previous governments for wasting too much money over Ganga rejuvenation, drinking water and irrigations schemes without any results, claiming there was no coordination between the government departments involved.