Rajkummar Rao claimed to be a victim of fraud, with his PAN card being used to take a loan in the actor’s name. The 37-year-old claimed that this fraud led to an impact on his credit score, asking officials at Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited (CIBIL) to investigate the matter.
Rao tweeted “#FraudAlert My PAN card has been misused and a small loan of ₹ 2,500 has been taken on my name. Due to which my cibil score has been affected. @CIBIL_Official please rectify the same and do take precautionary steps against this”. CIBIL is yet to respond to the actor’s claims.
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The menace of people taking fraudulent loans using others’ PAN cards has led many to complain before. In February 2022, Zee News reported on this issue, faced by Indiabulls’ Dhani lending app. Those taking fraudulent loans don’t repay them, affecting the credit score of the original PAN holder. The best way to check if anyone is using your PAN card for loans is to generate your credit score or visit fintech platforms to check financial reports. Upon entering personal information like name, date of birth, and PAN card details, the report gets generated.
As for Rao, the actor got married to his CityLights co-star, Patralekha Paul, and will be seen in films like ‘Hit’, ‘Monica, O My Darling’, and ‘Bheed’, which are all set to release this year.
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The last is an Anubhav Sinha project, which deals with the migrant worker crisis in India when the first COVID lockdown was announced. Billed as a sociopolitical drama, the movie sees Rao play the protagonist opposite Bhumi Pednekar. Speaking of her joining the cast, the Times of India had reported Rao saying, “Anubhav Sinha’s process of working is so effortless that I couldn’t have asked for a better partner at work. ‘Bheed’ is another one of those projects I am super proud of. It’s a hard-hitting story and he has brought on board exemplary actors. Bhumi is a fantastic performer and there couldn’t have been a better choice for the role”.