BJP MP and Bollywood actor Sunny Deol has said that he believes that the Centre wants good for the farmers and hopes the party will ensure the right outcome after discussions with farmers protesting against the new farm laws in Delhi.

As thousands of farmers have gathered at various border points since November 26, Deol on Sunday evening issued a statement on Twitter, saying the matter is between the farmers and government, but there are people who are trying to gain something out of the agitation.

Also read: ‘Farmers are India’s food soldiers’: Priyanka Chopra, Sonam Kapoor support protests

“I know that many people want to take advantage of the situation and are creating problems. They are not thinking of farmers. They may have their own agenda,” Deol said.

“I stand with my party and farmers and will always be with farmers. Our government always thinks of the betterment of farmers and I am sure that the government will ensure the right outcome after holding talks with farmers,” he added.

The 64-year-old actor also distanced himself from Punjabi actor-turned-activist Deep Sidhu’s stance on the farmers’ protest.

“Deep Sidhu, who was with me during the election has not been with me for a long time and whatever he is speaking, he is saying on his own. I am in no way related to his activities,” Deol said.

The farmers, who have called for a Bharat Bandh on Tuesday, fear the new farm laws will dismantle the minimum support price system, leaving them at the mercy of big corporates.