Actor Rhea Chakraborty opened up on the allegations against her in the Sushant Singh Rajput case and her relationship with the late actor in a TV interview on Thursday. Sushant’s family has accused Rhea of abetting Sushant Singh Rajput’s suicide.
Rhea’s statement came on a day when Sushant’s father alleged that the actor used to poison his son. “Rhea Chakraborty was poisoning my son Sushant for a long time, she is his murderer. The investigating agency must arrest her and her associates,” Krishna Kumar Singh, Sushant’s father is heard saying in a video tweeted by ANI.
Refuting the allegations, Rhea said that she loved Sushant and that his father should respect that. “His dad’s comment are hurtful, I loved his son. Sushant’s father should respect his love for me, if not mine for him,” Rhea told NDTV in a live interview.
Also read: ‘Sushant used to smoke marijuana, I never did’: Rhea Chakraborty
Chakraborty, along with her family members, is also accused of misappropriating Rajput’s wealth by the actor’s family. After Mumbai Police, Enforcement Directorate and Central Bureau of Investigation are investigating various angles in the actor’s death.
Speaking about the investigations, the 28-year-old said that she was cooperating with all the agencies. Referring to her July 16 post on Instagram where she had tagged Home Minister Amit Shah, requesting for a CBI inquiry, Chakraborty said she had cooperated with the Mumbai Police and was doing the same with the Enforcement Directorate and CBI.
“Am I not allowed to prove my innocence?” Chakraborty asked, adding that all kinds of stories were being made about her.