Amitabh Bachchan’s Kaun Banega Crorepati added another season to its long list. Recently, Himani Bundela, a specially-abled contestant not only ticked her wish off from her bucket list by sitting in the hot seat but also made her family proud by becoming the first crorepati of this season.
With this, let us look back at all the times contestants won big or lost even bigger on Kaun Banega Crorepati. It is a well known fact that as a contestant answers more and more questions correctly and collects more cheques signed by Amitabh, the questions also get more difficult.
Also read: KBC 13: Himani Bundela won Rs 1 crore by answering this question, can you?
While the initial few questions ask you to guess a song’s words or complete an old idiom, the later few ask you about the most peculiar things most of us have no clue about.
A few bright minds are able to answer them correctly while some overconfident ones take the leap and end up losing a big amount. Keeping this in mind, let’s take a look at those big questions.
Also read: KBC 13: Triple Test round to Rs 1 crore, how Himani Bundela became crorepati
What was the title of the thesis that Dr BR Ambedkar submitted to the London School of Economics for which he was awarded his doctorate in 1923?
a. The Want And Means Of India
b. The Problem Of The Rupee
c. National Dividend Of India
d. The Law And Lawyers.
Answer: b. The Problem Of The Rupee
Which of these was an alias used by Noor Inayat Khan to work as a spy for Britain in France during the Second World War?
a. Vera Atkins
b. Krystyna Skarbek
c. Julienne Aisner
d. Jeanne-Marie Renier
Answer: d. Jeanne-Marie Renier
Milinda-Panha is a dialogue between King Menander or Milinda and which Buddhist monk?
a: Asanga
b: Nagasena
c: Mahadharmarakshita
d: Dharmaraksita
Answer: d. Nagasena
Also read: KBC 13: Which of these festivals is not celebrated in the month of January every year?
Which poet in the court of Mughal ruler Bahadur Shah Zafar wrote the ‘Dastan – e- Gadhar a personal account of the 1857 revolt?
a. Mir Taqi Mir
b. Mohammad Ibrahim Zauq
c. Zaheer Dehlvi
d. Abu Al-Kasim Firdausi
Answer: c. Zaheer Dehlvi
Which of these artists was principally entrusted with the task of ‘illuminating’ the original document of the Constitution of India?
a. Ram Kinker Baij
b. Benode Behari Mukherjee
c. Abanindranath Tagore
d. Nandlal Bose
Answer: d. Nandlal Bose
Whom does the Indian Constitution permit to take part in the Proceedings of Parliament?
a. Solicitor General
b. Attorney General
c. Cabinet Secretary
d. Chief Justice
Answer: b. Attorney General
Which of the following forts was not built by the European colonial powers in India?
a. Fort Dansborg
b. Fort Naarden
c. Fort Chambray
d. Fort Santa Katherina
Answer: c. Fort Chambray
Which colonial power ended its involvement in India by selling the rights of the Nicobar Islands to the British on October 18, 1868?
a. Belgium
b. Italy
c. Denmark
d. France
Answer: c. Denmark
Who is the first woman to successfully climb K2, the world’s second highest mountain peak?
a. Junko Tabei
b. Wanda Rutkiewicz
c. Tamae Watanabe
d. Chantal Maudui
Answer: b. Wanda Rutkiewicz
Who, in 1978, became the first person to be born in the continent of Antarctica?
a. Emilio Palma
b. James Weddell
c. Nathaniel Palmer
d. Chales Wilkes
Answer: a. Emilio Palma
Also read: KBC 13: Who, among these, is India’s first woman mining engineer?
Who commanded the ‘Hector’, the first British trading ship to land at Surat?
a. Paul Canning
b. William Hawkins
c. Thomas Roe
d. James Lancaster
Answer: b. William Hawkins
What was the name given to the supercluster of galaxies, discovered by a team of Indian astronomers in 2017?
a. Laxmi
b. Parvati
c. Saraswati
d. Durga
Answer: c. Saraswati
Which of the following is not a pair of parent and child, who have both won Nobel Prizes?
a. Marie Curie, Irene Joliot Curie
b. JJ Thomson, George Paget Thomson
c. Niels Bohr, Aage Bohr
d. Herman Emil Fischer, Hans Fischer
Answer: d. Herman Emil Fischer, Hans Fischer