The central government suspended 20 YouTube channels and two websites on Tuesday for disseminating anti-India propaganda and fake news on the internet, according to the ministry of information and broadcasting. The majority of the content broadcast by the channels, according to the government, is about “subjects sensitive from the perspective of national security and are factually incorrect.”
The government made the decision to remove YouTube channels and websites in close collaboration with intelligence agencies. According to the ministry, the now-blocked channels and websites were part of a Pakistan-based coordinated disinformation network that broadcast divisive content against Kashmir, the Indian Army, Ram Mandir, minority populations, and CDS General Bipin Rawat, among other sensitive Indian topics.
The disinformation campaign involved a network of YouTube channels run by Pakistan-based The Naya Pakistan Group (NPG) and several other standalone channels with a total subscriber base of over 35 lakh. Some of the Naya Pakistan Group’s YouTube channels, according to the government, are run by “anchors of Pakistani news channels”.
By publishing content about farmer protests and the Citizenship (Amendment) Act, the YouTube accounts allegedly attempted to instigate religious minorities against the Union government.
“It was also feared that these YouTube channels would be used to post content to undermine the democratic process of the upcoming elections in five states,” the ministry added.
The ministry ordered the telecom department to direct internet service providers to remove YouTube channels and websites, invoking emergency powers under Rule 16 of the Information Technology (Intermediary Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021.
The Punch Line, InternationalWeb News, Khalsa TV, and The Naked Truth were among the YouTube channels blocked by the government, as were 48 News, Fictional, Historical Facts, Punjab Viral, Naya Pakistan Global, Cover Story, Go Global, eCommerce, Junaid Haleem Official, Tayyab Hanif, Zain Ali Official, Mohsin Rajput, Official, Kaneez Fatima, Sadaf Durrani, Mian Imran, Ahmad, Najam Ul Hassan, Bajwa, and News24.