Actor Shruti Haasan, who is the eldest daughter of Kamal Haasan, took to Instagram and posted a message for her father soon after the founder of Makkal Needhi Maiam lost the Coimbatore South seat in the Tamil Nadu Assembly polls.
She wrote, “always so proud of my appa” with the hashtag ‘fighter’ and ‘terminator’.
Kamal Haasan lost to BJP candidate Vanathi Srinivasan. At the early hour of the vote counting Kamal Hasan was leading, but at the last stage Vanathi took a lead and won the election by around 1,500 votes. The Assembly poll in Tamil Nadu took place on April 6, 2021.
In early April, Shruti took to Instagram and posted a picture with his father and sister, while they were going to cast their votes for Tamil Nadu election. She posted a picture and wrote, “Time to vote.”