Sugar company shares were in demand in Tuesday’s intraday session, rallying up to 10% amid heavy volumes on a positive outlook. Triveni Engineering & Industries rose 9% to Rs 244 on the BSE, surpassing its previous high of Rs 235 reached on December 28, 2021. Balrampur Chini Mills rose 7% to Rs 399, surpassing its previous high of Rs 398.25 reached on October 18, 2021.
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On the BSE, Dhampur Sugar Mills, Dalmia Bharat Sugar and Industries, Avadh Sugar, Dwarikesh Sugar, EID Parry (India), Mawana Sugars and Uttam Sugar Mills were up 5-10%. At 10:42 a.m., the S&P BSE Sensex was up 0.53% at 59,498.
Sugar mills are likely to increase their revenue and profitability in the 2022 season, according to a CRISIL report. The sugar season runs from October to September.
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Sugar prices are likely to rise 16-17% this season, compared to a marginal drop last year, due to increasing industrial demand and exports. Increased demand combined with consistent output is predicted to deplete inventories.
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A revenue increase of 18-19% will be aided by increasing sales volumes and improved realisations. Cane prices are expected to climb at a slower rate of 8% in north India and 3% in south India.
This would leave plenty of leeway for growth in operating profitability, or earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (Ebitda), which is forecast to rise by 300-400 basis points, according to CRISIL.
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CRISIL Ratings upgraded Balrampur Chini Mills’ long-term bank facilities from ‘CRISIL AA/Positive’ to ‘CRISIL AA+/Stable’ in November.
ICRA anticipates that Triveni Engineering’s sales will remain flat in FY22, despite increasing revenues from the distillery segment offset by decreased sugar volumes (both domestic and exports).
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Triveni Engineering also entered the production of country liquor in FY21, allowing for even more forward integration. Furthermore, ICRA stated in its November rating action that the company’s grain-based distillery of 60-kilo litres per day is expected to begin operations in Q4 FY22 and is likely to strengthen its operational profile and boost revenue diversification.