Online service status tracker Downdetector, on Wednesday, reported that Twitter services went down for several users in the morning. According to the tracker report, “the reports from Twitter users complaining of services going down peaked around 8 this morning; however, the graph soon showed a reduction in the number of complaints indicating that the services were soon restored.”
The Twitter status report page on Downdetector registered 455 reports at 8:03am, after the baseline peaking with reports at around 5am. Nearly 52% of users said the issue was website specific. However, 38% of users said it has to do with the Twitter app. Meanwhile, 10% of users blamed the error on server connection.
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This comes days after Facebook family of apps, including Instagram and WhatsApp, went dark for nearly six hours earlier this month.
Twitter, on Tuesday, introduced new ad features and revamped the algorithm that determines which ads to show to the user. The update has been done to lay the groundwork to launch future ecommerce features.
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How does Downdetector work?
Downdetector, according to its official website, “offers real-time status information for more than 6,000 services across 45 websites representing 45 countries”.
“Downdetector collects status reports from a series of sources, including Twitter and reports submitted on our websites and mobile apps. Our system validates and analyzes these reports in real-time, allowing us to automatically detect outages and service disruptions in their very early stages,” the website reads.
“A single person reporting a problem doesn’t constitute a large-scale outage. To make sure that outages are correctly represented, we calculate a baseline of typical problem reports for each company that we monitor. By verifying that issues are affecting a large group of individuals, Downdetector only reports an outage when the number of reports is significantly higher than the baseline,” it further adds.