Pushkar Singh Dhami on Thursday became the only BJP Chief Minister to lose in his constituency. The Uttarakhand incumbent lost the Khatima seat to Congress’ Bhuwan Chandra Kapri.
The BJP leads in 48 seats in Uttarakhand, as of 4:00 PM on Thursday as the Congress follows with eight. The magic number in the hill state is 36.
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The BJP, going by the trend, is all set for a second consecutive term in office this time, something which has never happened in the state’s 21-year history.
Prominent candidates trailing in their respective seats included Congress veteran Harish Rawat, who was behind Mohan Singh Bisht of the BJP by 12048 votes in Lalkuan and Subodh Uniyal of the BJP, who was trailing behind Om Gopal Rawat of the Congress in Narendra Nagar by 231 votes.
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“Our campaign strategy was insufficient and I accept it as chairman of Campaign Committee. People worked very well and I’d like to thank them. I couldn’t win people’s trust but I’d like to congratulate my daughter & all the winning candidates who won,” Rawat said.
Yashpal Arya, who had returned to the Congress fold from the BJP ahead of the polls is leading over BJP’s Rajesh Kumar in Bajpur by 3076 votes.
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Pritam Singh of the Congress is leading in Chakrata by 6,657 votes against Ramsharan Nautiyal of the BJP.
Dhami swore in as the Chief Minister last year after Tirath Singh Rawat resigned four months into his term. Now, if the BJP is elected in Uttarakhand, the party might consider Anil Baluni or Bhagat Singh Koshiyari for the post.
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The BJP leads in Uttarakhand with 44.3% vote share and the Congress follows with 38.01%, data updated by the Election Commission of India (ECI) at 4:25 PM shows.