India is all set to start its vaccination drive on January 16, which will be launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Commenting on the method of the vaccinations, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, on Thursday, said that the vaccinations will be done at 81 locations in Delhi on January 16.
He further informed that around 100 people will be vaccinated at each of the vaccination centres around 100 people will be given the jab. Kejriwal said that they will begin with 81 centres and then it will be increased to 175 in a few days. In the coming days, the centres will be increased to 1000.
“Vaccination will be done on four days a week – Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday,” Kejriwal said.
The COVID-19 vaccines arrived in Delhi on January 12.
“So far, we have received 2,74,000 doses of vaccine from the Centre. Each person will be administered two doses and the Centre provides 10% extra vaccine, taking damage into account. So the 2,74,000 doses will be sufficient for around 1,20,000 health workers,” Delhi CM said.
According to government data, India, in the last 24 hours, recorded 16,946 new COVID-19 cases, and 198 deaths.