The counting of votes will take place for West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Assam and Puducherry assembly elections on May 2. The Election Commission (EC) will start releasing result trends from 8 AM onwards on its portal.
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Due to the COVID-19, EC has curbed the entry of candidates and their counting agents into counting centres without a negative RT-PCR report or two doses of vaccination. It has also prohibited victory rallies.
A three-tier security arrangement has been in place at 108 counting centres in West Bengal, where polled electronic voting machines (EVMs), along with voter-verifiable paper audit trail (VVPAT) units have been kept in strong rooms. At least 292 observers have been appointed and 256 companies of central forces deployed at the counting centres spread across 23 districts of the state that voted in eight phases between March 27 and April 29.
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