Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in a three-hour meeting with top political leaders of Jammu and Kashmir today, reportedly said that atmosphere of safety and security needs to be ensured for all in Jammu and Kashmir and that he wants to remove “Dilli ki Duri (distance between Delhi and J&K)” and “Dil Ki Duri (distance between hearts)”.
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In the first such interaction after the region’s special status was scrapped on August 5, 2019, fourteen mainstream Jammu and Kashmir leaders from eight political parties, including four former chief ministers, attended the meeting.
Soon after the three-hour meeting that was aimed at setting on course the political process in the region, PM Modi tweeted: “Our democracy’s biggest strength is the ability to sit across a table and exchange views. I told the leaders of J&K that it is the people, specially the youth who have to provide political leadership to J&K, and ensure their aspirations are duly fulfilled.”
The region has been under President’s Rule since 2018 when the BJP withdrew support from then Chief Minister Mehbooba Mufti’s government.
Home Minister Amit Shah, according to ANI said that everyone at the meeting expressed their commitment to democracy and the constitution.
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“It was stressed to strengthen the democratic process in Jammu and Kashmir,” he added.
Former CM Farooq Abdullah, who along with Mehbooba Mufti is leading the Gupkar Alliance – a group of seven parties from J&K soon after the meeting said, “Restoration of full statehood of Jammu and Kashmir will be the first trust-building exercise from New Delhi side.”
The Gupkar Alliance had earlier said they would press for the restoration of full statehood and special status at the meeting. The Congress also echoed the demand.
BJP’s Kavinder Gupta, however, cleared the air on Article 370 that gave special status to Jammu and Kashmir. He said, Article 370 has been abrogated. It should not even be thought that it will ever come back.”
Muzaffar Hussain Baig of Jammu and Kashmir People’s Conference, who is also part of the Gupkar Alliance, said: “The government side says the delimitation exercise is to be completed and thereafter a call will be taken on assembly polls in J-K.”
He added that PM Modi assured that he will do everything to make Jammu and Kashmir a zone of peace rather than conflict.