West Bengal BJP chief Dilip Ghosh said on Wednesday that his convoy was attacked in Sitalkuchi, Cooch Behar, reports news agency ANI. Explaining the attack in detail, Ghosh said: “I was in Sitalkuchi, Cooch Behar for the poll rally. While it was going on people returning in vehicles from Mamata Banerjee’s rally were threatening our workers, showing them sticks, creating tension. Police beat up our workers amid this.”
“Later when our people started leaving, Police asked us to stop for a while. When I started leaving after all workers, Police left me & went away. I was then surrounded by hundreds of people who attacked us with sticks & bricks. I was injured, many vehicles vandalised,” the Bengal BJP chief added.
In his tweet, Ghosh alleged that crude bombs were thrown on his vehicle, as well as that ‘TMC goons carrying TMC flags’ shattered his car’s window.
“State of democracy in Paschim Banga is pathetic. TMC goons carrying TMC flags hurled crude bombs on my vehicle and shattered my vehicle’s window. They also assaulted multiple karyakartas of BJP and also vandalised multiple cars. Police men were seen retreating”, he said.
“This happened following a public meeting at Sitalkuchi, at the very spot where the meeting was conducted”, he further added.
“Mamata Banerjee has been instigating people of a particular community for days. I think if EC doesn’t look into it & make proper arrangements for security, free & fair polls will be difficult. Her rallies should be stopped otherwise there will be bloodshed in Bengal,” Ghosh said.
Bengal BJP too tweeted out, saying the goons belonging to Mamata Banerjee had conducted the attack.