West Bengal Chief Minister and Trinamool Congress supremo Mamata Banerjee on Wednesday filed her nomination to contest from Nandigram, reported news agency ANI. She had announced on Friday that she’ll contest from Nandigram, located in the East Mindapore district.
The seat will witness a high-octane battle between Banerjee and her former protege-turned Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) member Suvendu Adhikari. He was the Trinamool Congress MLA from Nandigram before he resigned from the party in December, last year and joined the saffron party.
Also read: Mamata is an outsider in Nandigram: Suvendu Adhikari
Adhikari is BJP’s candidate from Nandigram and will reportedly file his nomination on Friday.
On Tuesday, Banerjee held her first meeting in the constituency, where she addressed booth-level workers and made tea at a roadside stall.
Also read: This is what Suvendu Adhikari said when asked if he is BJP’s CM candidate for West Bengal
In the upcoming Assembly elections, Banerjee is eyeing her third term as West Bengal’s CM. Polling will be held in eight phases, from March 27 to April 29. Votes will be counted on May 2. BJP is seeking to form its first government in the east Indian state.