Hailing from Uttarakhand’s Champawat district, Pawandeeo Rajan was announced as Indian Idol season 12’s winner. The 25-year-old singer took home the coveted trophy, Rs 25 lakh prize money and a Maruti Suzuki Swift. The reality show that premiered on November 28 last year concluded on Independence Day with several celebrities invited at the 12-hour marathon finale.
Pawandeep said, “Winning the title of Indian Idol Season 12 is just unbelievable for me. I still feel like I’m dreaming and cannot come to terms with reality. It’s still sinking in. This is such a big honour for me. I’d like to thank all my fans and the viewers who have voted for me and made me win this honourable title. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has been a part of my journey on Indian Idol. From the makers to the musicians, our coaches, and my fellow contestants, this trophy belongs to all of you. Thank you Indian Idol and the citizens of India. This feeling is the best.”
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Singers Arunita Kanjilal and Sayli Kamble were announced as the first and second runners-up respectively and won prize money of Rs 5 lakh each.
Who is Pawandeep Rajan?
Born to a renowned Kaumani folk singer, Suresh Raja, Pawandeep grew up in Champawat, Uttarakhand. He did his primary education from University Senior Secondary School and graduated from Kumaun University of Nanital. The Indian Idol 12 winner is a vocalist of a Chandigarh-based band ‘Rait’.
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Apart from singing Pawandeep plays several musical instruments like guitar, keyboard, tabla, piano and Dholak. He participated and won the television singing reality show ‘The Voice India’ in 2015, where he was a part of singer Shaan’s team.
Pawandeep has created his own albums over the years. He has sung many songs including four in the 2017 film ‘Romeo N Bullet’. He released his single ‘Yakeen’ in 2015. His individual album ‘Chholiyar’ came out in 2016. The 25-year-old has performed in many concerts overseas in several countries including Dubai, Malaysia, Thailand and South Africa.