Pakistani actor Saba Qamar, who starred in the Bollywood movie ‘Hindi Medium’, called off her engagement with entrepreneur Azeem Khan, citing personal reasons. In a post on Instagram, the Hindi Medium actor said, Hii Everyone. I have a very important announcement to make, due to a lot of personal reasons I have decided to call it off with Azeem Khan, ‘We are not getting married now.'”
“Hope you guys will support my decision just like you all have been supporting me always, and I guess it’s never too late to realise the bitter realities!” Saba added.
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Saba also clarified that she has never met Azeem Khan in her life and they were “only connected over the phone.”
See her photo here:
Replying to Saba’s announcement, Azeem in an Instagram story said, “She hasn’t written my side of the story,” and admitted that it was his fault.
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This comes after Azeem was accused of sexual harassment by wardrobe stylist Ujala Ali Khan. Reacting to these accusations, Azeem in a video message posted on Instagram said, “I only want to say one thing, what is the point of uploading statues on social media. Let’s come through a proper channel.”
Azeem added, “I don’t care about Saba’s past, neither does she care about mine.”
He further said, “I don’t understand that why people make false accusations without knowing the fact and reality. You are ruining someone’s life just for fame. Our intentions are to purely settle down our relationship in a proper way which is ‘Nikkah’. Such people should be ashamed on what they are doing,”
Commenting on Azeem’s post, Saba commented, “I trust you” with an heart emoticon.