In a heartwarming gesture, a man in Rajasthan’s Nagaur district hired a helicopter to bring back her newborn daughter from her maternal grandparents on Wednesday, reported PTI. Hanuman Prajapat’s wife Chuki Devi gave birth to their daughter on May 3 after which she went to her parent’s house in Harsolav village for the post-delivery care.
Prajapati told PTI that he wanted to make the arrival of his daughter, whom he called his “princess” very special.
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“This was the most I could have done to show how special my daughter is to me and my family,” he added.
He said it was his father’s idea to celebrate the birth of his granddaughter wholeheartedly.
The helicopter took 10 minutes to cover the 40 km journey between the two villages.
“After 35 years we have been gifted with a daughter in the family so we made this arrangement. I’ll fulfill all her dreams,” said Madan Lal, the baby’s grandfather, reported ANI.
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Girls and boys should be treated as equals, Prajapat said.
“It is usually seen that people do not celebrate the birth of a girl. There should be no discrimination between a girl and a boy. I will make my daughter study and fulfil all her dreams,” said the girl’s father.