Hours after Chennai Super Kings (CSK) player Suresh Raina said that he treats CSK owner N Srinivasan as a father figure, Srinivasan said he is like a “son” to him but the all-rounder’s return to the side this IPL season would be decided by the team management led by skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni, reported PTI.
Raina on August 30 left the CSK camp in Dubai citing personal reasons amid 13 COVID-19 cases.
After Raina’s departure, the former BCCI president was furious but softened his stance later. The player also seemed to have spoken to Srinivasan and called him a father figure besides indicating that he might come back.
Also Read| Suresh Raina on IPL pullout: CSK is my family too, you might see me in the camp again
“I have treated him like one (son). The reason for CSK’s success in IPL over the years is because of the fact that franchise never poked its nose into cricketing matters. India Cements is running cricket since ’60s. I will always remain like that,” Srinivasan told PTI.
So, is he expecting Raina to be back in the UAE and play in the IPL? “Look, please understand, that that’s not my domain (whether Raina will come back or not) at all,” the former ICC and BCCI chief said.
Also Read| ‘He is like a father figure to me’, says Suresh Raina about CSK owner N Srinivasan
“We own a team, we own the franchise but we do not own players. Team is ours but players are not. I don’t own the players,” he added.
He said the decision on Raina’s return to the team lies with the management, including skipper Dhoni and CEO KS Viswanathan.
CSK have been three-time champions in the high-profile league, shifted to UAE this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.