India won against Pakistan yesterday, at Asia Cup 2022, held at Dubai International Stadium. Social media users started flooding their accounts with reactions even before the match started. From both countries, fans have been guessing the scores, betting on who wins and definitely, creating and posting a number of memes, reels and tweets. India vs Pakistan matches are considered as the greatest rivalry, not just in cricket but in any sport.
There are videos on YouTube where the devastated Pakistani fans
share their opinions. While one says, “Muqabla Zabarsdast tha”, another says
“Josh Khatam ho chuka hai”. Though there have been a number of angry reactions,
most of them agree, however, that it was a thrilling encounter.
Also Read | India beat Pakistan by 5 wickets: Key takeaways from Asia Cup 2022 tie
Indians are celebrating their win starting from on social media to
the streets. They also agree that the match witnessed an enormous amount of zest
from both the countries and was an unmatched competition.
Hardik Pandya and Ravindra Jadeja led India to a five-wicket
victory over Pakistan in their Asia Cup 2022 fixture on Sunday.
Meta, Twitter and Instagram have been the sites where the
overflow of reactions has been visible. Some people have also started having
heated conversations on a number of comment sections throughout social media.
One reel on Instagram that has gained more than 47.3k views and
more than 5.6k likes is from the page @crictracker_humour. The reel starts with
a Pakistani fan screaming at the people from India after Shahnawaz scored a six
over Arshdeep. The Pakistani fans scream, “Mute” a number of times, first by
standing and then while sitting. He yells further, “Mute, right now!”
In the next part of the reel, after Arshdeep took his wicket,
it is seen how he joins India in celebrating the same.
Also Read | Asia Cup 2022: 5 reasons why Pakistan lost to India in game 1
The page posted this reel with a disclaimer saying, “This meme
is purely made for entertainment purposes. Kindly don’t take it seriously”. One
of the comments read “Beauty of IND v pak”.