The Chennai Super Kings and five-time champions Mumbai Indians will start preparations for the UAE leg of the IPL 14 on Thursday and Friday respectively. While MS Dhoni and company will train at the ICC Cricket Academy in Dubai, MI will be stationed at the Sheikh Zayed Stadium.
The remainder of the 2021 IPL season will start on September 19, with Mumbai taking on Chennai in the first game. The two sides, excluding players on international duty and other commitments, travelled to the UAE last week. Both teams have completed their 6-day quarantine period successfully, ANI reported, quoting sources.
“Both the teams have completed the quarantine process successfully and are ready to start preparations for the IPL. While CSK begin training tonight at the ICC Cricket Academy in Dubai, MI begin their training programme from Friday at the training facility inside the Sheikh Zayed Stadium,” the source said.
Meanwhile, the Delhi Capitals will depart for the UAE on Saturday. Their skipper, Shreyas Iyer, who had to miss the India leg owing to an injury, is already in the UAE with the fitness coach. International players are expected to join the squad following the conclusion of their international commitments.
Also read: IPL 2021 squads to be submitted by Aug 20, teams in a fix: Report
“Delhi Capitals will leave on Saturday early morning for UAE for IPL 2021. The team will leave from Delhi with domestic players and officials. Domestic players are already in quarantine in the national capital and they will be quarantined in UAE for a week. Post quarantine their camp will start,” a DC official said, as per ANI reports.
“Shreyas Iyer is already in UAE with a fitness coach and the rest of the players from India, South Africa and England will join the team after their international assignments are over.”
The eight teams will have to follow BCCI’s health advisory to ensure the smooth functioning of the league. The season that kicked off in May this year was postponed due to the outbreak of COVID-19 in India.